Reduces the Risk of scale build-up

Delta Device ES works round the clock and keeps treating water to eliminate the risk of hard water scale in your machinery and pipelines

Cost Saving

You don't have to worry about any recurring costs due to scale build-up. Delta Device ES is a lifetime solution. You just need to install it and forget about the scale

No Corrosion

Delta Device ES units are absolutely neutral and do not cause any corrosion. You can be worry-free when it comes to corrosion


It is a completely chemical-free industrial water treatment device. It does not cause any harm to the machinery, pipes, or the environment

Maximize Machine life

Since no chemicals or corrosive materials are used, it will help you keep your machines and your plant healthy in the long run

Maximize operating efficiency

This type of non-chemical water treatment system requires no labor or manual intervention from your end and no downtimes

Less system bleeds

The addition of chemicals increases the total dissolved solids (TDS) level in your cooling water thereby increasing system bleed rates.

Recycle Water

Used water can be used for various purposes because there are no chemicals in it. It can be used for irrigation, flushing, etc.

Completely Safe

In this type of non-chemical industrial water treatment, the workers are completely safe from harmful chemicals.